The Deadly Path
How Operation Fast & Furious and Bad Lawyers Armed Mexican Cartels
Peter J. Forcelli is a retired Deputy Assistant Director from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Prior to joining ATF he served for 15 years with the N.Y.P.D., before retiring from the Bronx Homicide Task Force.
He is now an author, public speaker and advocate for law enforcement and government accountability. He is a volunteer at Empower Oversight, a government watchdog organization.
Mr. Forcelli worked his way up from "beat cop" to detective, before going on to serve as a Special Agent for ATF in New York City. There, he rose through the ranks of ATF, eventually becoming a Deputy Assistant Director at the agency. He has made over 1,200 arrests and has served over 300 search warrants in his law enforcement career. He was known for developing complex criminal investigations targeting armed gangs and criminal organizations.
Over the span of his career Mr. Forcelli served in a variety of leadership positions within ATF. He was a Group Supervisor in Phoenix, Arizona; an Assistant Country Attaché in Eastern Canada; and both an Assistant Special Agent in Charge and eventually the Special Agent in Charge in Miami, Florida.
While serving as the Special Agent in Charge of the Miami Field Division, he oversaw ATF’s response to several mass shootings, including those at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland Florida. He also oversaw ATF’s investigation into Omar Mateen and his acquisition of the firearms that were used in the Pulse Nightclub shooting.
Mr. Forcelli is a survivor of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on the World Trade Center, and the lung cancer that he later developed because of his work in the rescue and recovery efforts at Ground Zero.
I have provided presentations to many police, military and corporate organizations on the leadership lessons I have learned and used over the years. The lessons I speak of come from surviving the terror attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 and from navigating the complexities of leading in a law enforcement organization though several complex events and investigations, after being a Whistleblower in a Congressional investigation into "Operation Fast and Furious" and several related matters where personal integrity and perseverance prevailed.
-Law Enforcement, Government and Military Discounts available-
(Contact me at info@peterjforcelli.com for information about these services)

Surviving 9/11: Leadership & Resilience
I provide a presentation on the incredible heroism I saw on 9/11 that changed me as both a law enforcement officer and a leader. More importantly, I discuss how living with survivor's guilt shaped the way I made decisions from that day forward, with a focus on treating people right, while also learning how to put self and family in perspective.

Operation Fast & Furious Deep Dive
Most people think that what happened with "Operation Fast and Furious" and some of the related cases was something that could never happen again. This presentation on ethical leadership shows what happened and what it took to expose that program. This presentation has been provided for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center's Leadership Academy, the U.S. Army War College and for West Point as well as for many federal, state and local law enforcement entities.

Leadership & Executive Coaching
I've had the honor of working with a number of existing and aspiring leaders as a coach. I enjoy helping people learn, not only from the major incidents that I managed or was part of, but from the mistakes I made along the way. Leadership is a journey. Not a destination. Let me help you on that journey. It would be my honor to do so.